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Safety Inspections

SAFETY INSPECTIONS & Officer for civilian and military


Our safety professionals identify potential OSHA / EM-385 violations, liability issues, and risk exposures, and offer strategies for mitigating hazards before they damage your company’s reputation and injure employees. Through job site safety inspections and observations at your construction projects, our professionals will develop a practical analysis of safety issues, along with recommendations for remediation of problems. We can use the same methodologies and standards employed by OSHA and the insurance industry – or your own safety standards – as the basis for our review.

Construction safety inspections identify hazards and provide opportunities to fix problems before injuries and accidents can occur. With HazTec  focusing on safety, you’re free to focus your energy on your business.


Site Safety Health Officer

We provide EM 385-1-1 compliant Site Safety Health Officers (SSHO) for Federal Construction Projects. EM 385-1-1 is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Safety and Health manual which sets the Safety and Health standards on all USACE projects and most Federal Construction Projects including Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC). Hiring a full time Site Safety Health Officer is not always cost effective, especially if your company has more than one Federal Project. An SSHO is required to be on site at all times when work is being performed and is responsible for managing, implementing, and enforcing the contractors’ environmental safety training and health programs, hazardous waste operations and emergency response.  Active or bidding SRP Environmental accommodates your project schedule to maximize cost efficiency.


You can use HazTec to:

    • Provide the primary and alternate SSHO during the bidding process and on the job.

    • Supplement or relieve your current Site Safety Health Officer for a few days, a few weeks, or a few months. Create an Accident Prevention Plan ( APP ) based on or meets EM 385-1-1 requirements.

    • Use one of our Senior Safety Consultants as your corporate Safety Manager as part of your bid process.

We understand the Federal process and will provide your company with the proper documentation in order to receive approval of our Site Safety Health Officers and other safety plan requirements.

We have experience with USACE, and other Federal Safety and Health requirements, ensuring you receive approvals and maintain Safety and Health compliance from the beginning of the bid process, until project completion.

EM 385-1-1 Safety Training Services for Federal Construction


We can provide qualified Site Safety Health Officers for use on your Federal construction project. Our Site Safety Health Officers meet the requirements of the EM 385-1-1 SAFETY AND HEALTH MANUAL and have all been previously approved on other Army Corps of Engineers, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, or equivalent projects. 



We can develop your site specific Accident Prevention Plan which includes any required revisions for the duration of your project. Clients should keep in mind that depending on the type of project, there may be many sources/subcontractors required to submit portions to your APP  We can ensure that your entire plan is in compliance with the EM 385-1-1.



We can participate in the USACE pre-construction and partnering meetings as your project and/or company Safety Officer.

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